24 April 2012

Is Science Just About Prediction?

In a not so recent post Seth Godin asks "are you a scientist?" Scientists, according to him make predictions. And get it right.

That is SO wrong.

Science is about observing phenomena, making hypotheses, testing hypotheses through experiments, and then making a theory that one can use to make predictions. And then not being surprised if the predictions are off, but go back to making hypotheses and experimenting

30,000 ft View

Ever heard the phrase, "the view from 30,000 ft"?

I have learned to be wary of people who use the term. These are people pretending to be leaders. At 30,000 ft you lose touch with reality. Reality is at ground level. God, and the Devil, are in the details.

Yes, the big picture, the vision, is very important. But a vision is of no use unless it is communicated to others. Communication happens where - to use another Americanism - " the rubber meets the road". Unless every day nitty-gritty is linked to the vision, on each small step forward, as well each step back, the vision is useless.

Leadership is exercised from the front. Not from hovering above.