09 February 2017

Validation & Verification

Validity & Verity
I am asked. "Did you have lunch today?"

I answer, "Monday."

That answer is invalid. The question has just two valid answers - "Yes" or "No".

If I give one of the valid answers, it does not mean it is the truth (verity). My answer has to be verified.

Validation checks for Validity. Verification checks for Veracity.

Valid Programs & Correct Programs
A C program that can be compiled without errors is a valid C program. Is it a correct program? By executing the program, it can be verified that the program meets its specification. It can be verified that the program is correct. Correct programs are a subset of Valid programs.

Validation Criteria & Quality
What if the compiler options are set to treat all warnings as errors? Now if there are warnings the program will not compile. The program is no longer a valid program. There is nothing to verify.

What if, to successfully check-in code to the version control system, the code must meet Complexity Metrics?

What if the code cannot be checked-in because coding standards are not met?

There is more to qualifying as valid code than just clearing compiler errors.

If you want to improve code quality, enforce stricter validation criteria.

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