05 February 2017

Kipling's Advice for Project Managers

I keep six honest serving men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What, and Why and When;
and How and Where and Who.
– Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936).
Any plan must

  1. Set out the objective - the "What". 
  2. Explain the reason - the "Why".  
  3. Specify the steps that are to be executed - the "How".
  4. Specify time sequence for execution - the "When".
  5. Specify the place, or the objects, where, or on which, the steps are to be completed - the "Where".
  6. Specify the persons responsible for the execution of the steps- the "Who".
Come to think of it, source code documentation too, with the possible exception of #6, should have the same information.

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