08 March 2010

How Simple Should a Process be?

Talk I had last evening with a friend who has just launced a software start-up.

He was going to put a software development process in place. But it was going to be simple.

Me: How was simple going to be decided?
Friend: It had to be simple for the persons working with him, to follow.

My view: Choose your process according to the customers you address. if you are going to be working for NASA your process needs to conform to theirs. If your customer is Toyota. You need to conform to theirs. Then there is our Indian software industry environment. The process has to cater for 15~20% attrition rates and people moving out on short notice.

Process is dictated by business realities.

Hire - and train - for that process.

Keep in touch with reality. Keep adjusting the process in the light of reality.

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