01 January 2011

Will Social Networking Tools Help?

The December, 2010, issue of Entrepreneur has Vivek Paul on the cover. The cover story talks of Kinetic Glue the venture that he has started.

The features of the products, I think, will definitely add to productivity - provided if it is used. The armed forces have a saying, "A machine is only as good as the man behind the machine". It is this man (and increasingly woman)-behind-the-machine - their training, motivation, ethos, value - that determine effictiveness.

So too with any tool. It needs people with the appropriate culture. A collaboration tool can only help if there is a culture of collaboration. Tools cannot break down silos. If the correct culture is built and nurtured, and contrary behavior robustly discouraged, will silos break down.

Lacking a culture that discourages silos, the tools will be ineffective. Result: The tool will get a back name.

Before selling the tool should not Kinetic Glue conduct an analysis of the culture and advise the company about changing the culture? I think so. I doubt if Kinetic Glue, or Vivek Paul, think so :-(

If the correct culture is not in place should Kinetic Glue sell them their tool? They should not. I am sure Kinetic Glue will sell it.

It comes down to defining who is your prospective customer; and who is not - segmentation.

To all readers of this blog:
A High Quality, Low Defect, Sustainable work year;
May you spot and quickly fix Broken Windows; 
May you spot and chase away all Wolves-in-Sheep clothing;
Happy New Year!

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