* The practices by which one can still the voice in one's head - the mind. Earlier I had read of it as "empty the mind of all thoughts". Never understood how to do it.
* My habitual procrastination was caused by the mind's fear of failure.
* There is "clock time" that is used for practical living. This is when the mind is required to be used
* And then there is "psychological time". The mind - the voice in the head - either keeps the past alive, or imagines a future. It distorts what exists now. When the mind is stilled one is aware of what exists NOW without judgement.
* The mind is stilled when in a deep dreamless sleep. Meditation has the same effect except that one's sensory perceptions are totally aware of the present. Many a times "sleeping on a problem" results in a creative solution. Meditation - putting the "voice in the head" to sleep - has the same effect.
Words, as Tolle says, are just road signs. They are meant to direct. They are not the destination.
My words above are meant to direct you to Tolle's book.
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