The traditional hindu trader has "Shubh Labh" displayed somewhere on the premises of the business.
Shubh is commonly interpreted as good (e.g. "Aap Ka Shubh Naam" gets translated to "Your Good Name"). But Shubh rightly means auspicious. It describes a harbinger of good things to come.
So "Shubh Labh" does not mean just good profits. It means profits that will not damage the future of the business. That is "Ashubh Labh", or inauspicious profits.
So too with growth. There is "Shubh" growth. Growth that is sustainable; growth that ensures that the business conitinues to deliver value to its customers; growth that ensures that its people grow their portfolio of skills and their material well being.
Then there is "Ashubh" growth. Cancer too is growth. It is "Ashubh". It is growth that kills.
Growth can be a wolf in a sheepskin. Process Shepherds must watch out for it.
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